Saturday, October 9, 2010

Starting Month Four

After four months, momentum is building here at Pagosa Wireless. We have almost 70 monthly customers and that number increases daily. We are so thankful to our Lord and to the people of Pagosa Springs for making our business self-supporting in just 60 days.

If you've read "our story" you already know that this entire venture began with only a few thousand dollars and LOTS of prayer. For a business to be self-supporting after only two months in the present economy is a miracle in our books.

This last week we had a record number of new customers and renewals. More inventory will be added next week as we're learning what our customers want. We're almost to the point of adding another person a few days a week to help out, but we'll wait a bit longer to see how businesses progresses.

Please continue to keep us in prayer as we continue learning our software, phone programming and developing a procedural manual so we can teach others how to run the store when necessary.
